Portable Architectures




The project consisted of redesigning and printing different models of face shields. During the Health Alarm worst moments, the Corona Virus Makers community distributed 300 face shields to health centres and nursing homes. Then 1,000 more face shields were printed with an optimized design model for better printing and teaching use, with accessory elements also designed and laser cut in the LabMaq to be able to deliver the complete face shields to the user and thus meet the needs of the PDI, PAS and 1st-year undergraduate students in face-to-face mode. ETSAB human potential and infrastructures were essential for project execution.



  • Elena Fernandez Salas. (PDI) Associate Professor and Deputy Director ETSAB

  • Félix Solaguren-Beascoa del Corral. (PDI) Professor and Director of ETSAB

  • Lluis Gimenez Mateu. (PDI) Full time Professor and Department Director (RA)

  • Xavier Ferrer Masip. (PAS) ETSAB Model Laboratory Manager (LabMaq)

  • The ETSAB face shields distribution and management were in charge of the Corona Virus Makers volunteers network.



The health crisis that emerged in the first quarter of 2020 affected the entire population, including members of the ETSAB community, putting them in a vulnerable situation that needed to be solved.

Based on the architect's knowledge, and with the Labmaq machines used for printing models by the students, the possibility of providing know-how and infrastructure to help the fight against the virus and prevent its spread was proposed, minimizing contagion among the members of all groups in the school.

The project consisted of the manufacturing of Face Shields carried out since the beginning of April. The execution of these elements was in the ETSAB Model Laboratory (LabMaq). Were manufactured its components using 3D printers, located in this space.




The development of the different activities that were part of the manufacture of the face shields described below: 

  1. Materials
    Initially, was used the material that the LabMaq had in stock. Once this material was exhausted, the PLA filament and the PET-G necessary to supply the estimated production were requested. The reception of the material and its production was in charge of the LabMaq manager. Also, the control of the printing, storage, counting of the pieces, and their distribution.

  2. Models
    The needed files for printing of the 3D pieces come from the CoronaVirusMakers community. Subsequently, based on the study of different models such as those presented by Bauhaus, BCN3D, Prusa, etc ... was redesigned an ETSAB face shield model for optimal execution and use. Was reached a design during the process optimizing the model proposed by PRUSA. It consisted of reducing the height and size of some of its elements. Also was redefined some of the finishes of the piece, and personalizing the words engraved on the front. This process also included the redefinition and customization of the transparent front screen. To optimize the boards use, proceeding to incorporate in the excess spaces of each board some pieces designed in the LabMaq consisting of a posterior tape to hold the mask. This piece has perforations at the ends that allow the length to fit according to the user size in turn the design gives it a certain elasticity to improve adaptation to the user's heads.

  3. Process
    Was printed the face shield frame on the four available 3D printers arranging twelve frames in two towers to achieve 12 hours of continuous printing work and thus organize optimal production shifts. Were performed the PET-G sheets for the transparent screens and the back tape, using the LabMaq laser machine.

  4. Mounting
    The assembly of the pieces is in charge of the user.  Is delivered the screen with the factory protective sheet to guarantee its perfect condition and with an assembly manual for all purposes.



This project made it possible to increase the production capacity available to the LabMaq until April, thanks to the financial aid received from the CCD-UPC.

Was reached the amount of 1,400 manufactured face shields, and it was delivered 350 of them to the CoronaVirusMakers community for distribution in health centres and residences in the city of Barcelona. The other 1050 are in the distribution phase among the PDI, PAS, and ETSAB students.

Is intended with this project to be at the level of small and large companies. They changed their usual production for manufacture instruments necessary to protect the population from the pandemic generated by COVID 19. And thanks to this experience, both LabMaq as the "Beta Space of the Paranimf ETSAB project", will articulate relationships with I'ITA de I'ETH from Zurich to collaborate on industrial innovation projects. We believe that this experience will be significant to consolidate this way.