Instructions for 3D printer service


LabMaq incorporates the 3D Printing Service from March 1, 2017, so that students can print the models designed using CAD programs.

Printing pieces in 3D is another way to verify the ergonomics, functionality, and appearance of the designs. The CAD tools give us a first view of the projects but it is always good to get a physical prototype to check other aspects that the virtual world does not allow.


3D Model

  • It can be done with AutoCad, Rhinoceros, 3Ds Max, SketchUp's software or other 3D modeling.

  • A and B size of pieces sides must be at least 1mm when height (h) is less than 5mm. For heights (h) greater than 5mm (columns or walls), A and B must be at least 2.5mm.

  • The maximum printing surface is 205x290mm and 210mm in height in the case of SIGMA printers and 415x290mm and 210mm in height in the case of the SIGMA-X printer.

  • The maximum vertical inclination is 45 degrees, higher angles can be supported with extra material but the finish will not be that good.


Export to STL (stereolithography)

  • Any software listed above can export to STL format. For SketchUp is needed to install a plugin (SU> window> extension warehouse > SketchUp STL).

  • Pieces must be defined in mm with the appropriate size for the desired ratio.

  • To print more than one object at a time (respecting the maximum surface of each printer) is needed to organize the different parts in the same horizontal plane with the most suitable orientation for printing.

  • For printings with dual extruder SIGMA printer is needed to create two STL files with unique and common reference system.

  • It would be better to choose the standard export system of your software. Export with high level of accuracy is not always good and may have slower impressions without guarantee of better quality.

  • There are different free viewers that show STL files and thus can be checked the exported file.


Delivery of 3D model

  • Send your files to specifying material and color, and after checking the file, we will reply as soon as possible with the price depending on choosen material and volume and also with an estimate date of delivery.

  • When the confirmation order will be receipt it will be enqueued your job.



  • The PLA material are more common and easier to print. There is a wide range of colors with this type of filament: white, black, several gray, yellow, orange, red, brown, blue and green.

  • The ABS is a material with improved mechanical and thermal properties but is more difficult and less desirable to print if the piece doesn't need to support significant efforts. Currently we only have black color.

  • The Colorfabb Specials are a new type of PLA filaments or fibers that contain traces of other materials. Its impression is more complicated and the precision of the pieces to be printed is lower than in the case of PLA. Currently we only have Woodfill (imitation wood).

  • The PVA is a material that dissolves in water and is ideal for printing supports. Only used in SIGMA printer.