Degree and Master’s Office

Head of the Area

Elisa Capellades Sánchez


Maria Antonia Garcia Garcia (Head of the Office)
Encarnación Bayona Hurtado
Ana Maria Febrer Ramos
Mercedes Ferrer Ugalde
Laura Galtes Mateu
Raquel Olive Fernández
Natalia Sogas Riera
Lena Sostres Raurich

Area technical support

Lluis Ferrer Belles
Anastasiia Buiakova (collaborator)


Demana ETSAB
Tel: +34 93 401 6359
Building DSA (ETSAB), P1

ETS Arquitectura de Barcelona
Secretaria de Grau i Màster
Av. Diagonal, 649-651
08028 Barcelona

Our mission

We support the school's governing boards in the preparation, verification, supervision and certification of the programmes taught at the school, as well as in the processes of evaluation, improvement and quality of teaching.

We plan the organisation of the teaching of the degrees, in line with the criteria of the school's governing and management boards.

We manage the student's record from the moment of access to studies until the degree is obtained and awarded: access and admission, enrolment, assessment, certificates, etc.

We provide assistance, information and guidance to students and Teaching and Research Staff.

We plan and prepare the calls for final thesis examining boards.