
Head of the Area

Núria Ginés García


Mari Cabello Berlanga (responsible for the service)
Rosa Maria Garrigos Ortega (responsible for the afternoon)
Eduardo Conde España
Alicia Pérez Ubiña
María Rosa Vaquero Amate


Tel: +34 93 401 6333
Building DSA (ETSAB), P0

ETS Arquitectura de Barcelona
Servei de Consergeria
Av. Diagonal, 649-651
08028 Barcelona


Our mission is to provide the school and departments of the scope of Architecture in Barcelona with the services of reception, information, access to areas and check of occupation suitability, equipment loan, mail and parcel reception and delivery, and support to event logistics, which are necessary so that groups of this university community attain the common objective of excellence in the training of Architecture professionals.

What do we do?

We offer general information about units, facilities and their use and activities developed in the scope of Architecture in Barcelona.

We facilitate and control the access to rooms and the rest of areas in the buildings and their shutdown.

We take care of the suitability of teaching rooms for their use (furniture, heating…) directly or by collaborating on other services (cleaning, maintenance, relocation…) to ensure occupation in optimal conditions.

We provide teaching material for rooms (chalk, exam paper, audio-visual equipment…).

We manage mail and parcel reception, and depending on cases: reception notice, placement to lockers and safe-keeping, hand delivery to Reception or outbound delivery.

We collaborate on logistics tasks of events, by working with supporting direction services and with supporting external people and companies.

We take care of and lend keys.

We manage Lost & Found.